Welcome to the Affordable Materials Grants Decision Tree. With this tool, you will be able to make valuable decisions for your Affordable Materials Grant proposal that may reduce the risk of mistakes that affect whether your grant is funded. Our hope with this tool is that you can create stronger proposals for the correct type of grant for your project. If you have any questions, please contact Jeff (jeff.gallant@usg.edu) and Nakita (nakita.afaha@usg.edu).<br><hr>
For this project, are you looking to only do research on OER/affordable materials usage?<br><hr>
[[Yes, just a research project⇨->Research: New to You]]<br>
[[No, I'm transforming my course and/or making new course materials. ⇨->Students Purchase Materials]][[⇦ Start Over->Welcome]]<br><br>
In your current course, are your students required to purchase any textbooks, workbooks, or other course materials?<br><hr>
[[Yes, and they spend more than $40. ⇨->Transformation]]<br>
[[Yes, but they spend $40 or less. ⇨->Low-cost]]<br>
[[No. ⇨->Continuous Improvement]]<br>
[[I've never taught this course before. ⇨->New course]][[⇦ Start Over->Welcome]] | [[⇦ Return->Students Purchase Materials]]<br><br>
It sounds like you are applying for a <em>Transformation Grant</em>.<br><br>
Here's why: Because you currently require students to purchase course materials, and are planning to reduce their cost from either a high-cost to a low-cost or from a low-cost to a no-cost, you are increasing student savings. Even if you are planning to also create ancillary materials or do other improvements to the course, because there is a student savings component to this project, it is considered a Transformation.<br><hr>
<a href="https://www.affordablelearninggeorgia.org/documents/ApplicationForm-Transformation.docx" target="_blank">Download the Transformation Grant Word Template ⇩</a>[[⇦ Start Over->Welcome]] | [[⇦ Return->Students Purchase Materials]]<br><br>
Are you planning to use low- or no-cost materials in the new version of the course?<br><hr>
[[Low-cost ($40 or less total). ⇨->Continuous Improvement: Low-cost]]<br>
[[No-cost ($0). ⇨->Transformation]][[⇦ Start Over->Welcome]] | [[⇦ Return->Students Purchase Materials]]<br><br>
It sounds like you are applying for a <em>Continuous Improvement Grant</em>.<br><br>
Here's why: Because you're already using no-cost materials in your course, there is no new student savings involved with the project. Rather, you are improving your use of no-cost materials. Even if you are planning to completely replace the current materials, this is considered an improvement on a no-cost course, rather than a transformation of it. Transformation Grants are reserved for courses that are transforming from a course with textbook/materials costs into a low- or no-cost course, thereby increasing student savings.<br><hr>
<a href="https://www.affordablelearninggeorgia.org/documents/ApplicationForm-Continuous-Improvement.docx" target="_blank">Download the Continuous Improvement Grant Word Template ⇩</a>[[⇦ Start Over->Welcome]] | [[⇦ Return->Students Purchase Materials]]<br><br>
Has the course been taught at your institution before?<br><hr>
[[Yes, just not by me. ⇨->Others: Low-cost]]<br>
[[No, it's a brand new course. ⇨->Transformation: New]][[⇦ Start Over->Welcome]] | [[⇦ Return->Low-cost]]<br><br>
It sounds like you are applying for a <em>Continuous Improvement Grant</em>.<br><br>
Here's why: Because you're already using low-cost materials in your course, there isn't a significant enough new student savings involved with the project. Rather, you are improving your use of low-cost materials. Even if you are planning to completely replace the current materials with low-cost materials of a lower amount, this is considered an improvement on a low-cost course, rather than a transformation of it. Transformation Grants are reserved for courses that are transforming from a course with higher textbook/materials costs into a low- or no-cost course, thereby increasing student savings.<br><hr>
<a href="https://www.affordablelearninggeorgia.org/documents/ApplicationForm-Continuous-Improvement.docx" target="_blank">Download the Continuous Improvement Grant Word Template ⇩</a>
[[⇦ Start Over->Welcome]] | [[⇦ Return->New course]]<br><br>
For the most common way of teaching this course in your department, do instructors typically have students purchase textbooks, workbooks, or other course materials?<br><hr>
[[Yes, and each student spends more than $40 total. ⇨->Transformation: New to You]]<br>
[[Yes, but each student spends $40 or less. ⇨->New Course: Low or No]]<br>
[[No. ⇨->Continuous Improvement: New to You]][[⇦ Start Over->Welcome]] | [[⇦ Return->New course]]<br><br>
It sounds like you are applying for a <em>Transformation Grant</em>.<br><br>
Advice: As you fill the Transformation Grant Word Template, you'll be asked about current course materials and potential savings. We suggest using the most commonly-used textbook for this type of course at other institutions to estimate this, or the most likely textbook that you would have used if you weren't adopting no- or low-cost. Be sure to thoroughly explain your savings estimate and the situation of the course in your narrative.<br><hr>
<a href="https://www.affordablelearninggeorgia.org/documents/ApplicationForm-Transformation.docx" target="_blank">Download the Transformation Grant Word Template ⇩</a>
[[⇦ Start Over->Welcome]] | [[⇦ Return->Others: Low-cost]]<br><br>
It sounds like you are applying for a <em>Transformation Grant</em>.<br><br>
Advice: As you fill the Transformation Grant Word Template, you'll be asked about current course materials and potential savings. We suggest using the most commonly-used textbook for this course at your institution to estimate this, or the most likely textbook that you would have used if you weren't adopting no- or low-cost. Be sure to thoroughly explain your savings estimate and the situation of the course in your narrative.<br><hr>
<a href="https://www.affordablelearninggeorgia.org/documents/ApplicationForm-Transformation.docx" target="_blank">Download the Transformation Grant Word Template ⇩</a>
[[⇦ Start Over->Welcome]] | [[⇦ Return->Others: Low-cost]]<br><br>
Are you planning to use low- or no-cost materials in the new version of the course?<br><hr>
[[Low-cost ($40 or less total). ⇨->Continuous Improvement: New to You]]<br>
[[No-cost ($0). ⇨->Transformation: New to You]][[⇦ Start Over->Welcome]] | [[⇦ Return->Others: Low-cost]]<br><br>
It sounds like you are applying for a <em>Continuous Improvement Grant</em>.<br><br>
Advice: As you fill the Continuous Improvement Grant Word Template, you'll be asked about current course materials. We suggest providing an explanation of how the course is currently taught by other instructors. Be sure to thoroughly explain your plans for improvement and the situation of the course in your narrative.<br><hr>
<a href="https://www.affordablelearninggeorgia.org/documents/ApplicationForm-Continuous-Improvement.docx" target="_blank">Download the Continuous Improvement Grant Word Template ⇩</a>
[[⇦ Start Over->Welcome]] | [[⇦ Return->Welcome]]<br><br>
It sounds like you are applying for a <em>Research Grant</em>.<br><br>
Advice: Before you start filling out the Research Grant Word Template, be sure to read the Research Grants section of the Request for Proposals (RFP), which includes both requirements and helpful links. Be sure to understand what the COUP Framework is and have a plan for your institution's IRB approval before applying.<br><hr>
<a href="https://www.affordablelearninggeorgia.org/documents/ApplicationForm-Research.docx" target="_blank">Download the Research Grant Word Template ⇩</a>