Looking Back, Looking Forward
Affordable Learning Georgia accomplished a lot in the previous year, and we are looking forward into the future to give more grants, hire a new program manager and more. See below for ALG updates, as well as a few things we have in store for 2023.
- Affordable Materials Grants are now in their 22nd round, with 29 projects awarded from 14 institutions for a total of $498,000 in grants. Round 23 applications are due at the end of the day on Jan. 30.
- The search committee for a new program manager is just getting started on reviewing applications, with initial interviews starting in late January.
- After many discussions with our ALG Champions and some user testing, the new Affordable Learning Georgia is expected to go live in January.
- As of December 2022, 299 projects are live in OpenALG, our more interactive and accessible home for open educational Resources. This includes 103 open textbooks and 139 sets of ancillary materials.