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ALG Champion Spotlight: Denise George, Georgia State University
Denise George, Education Librarian Georgia State UniversityI’m honored to have been a part of the Affordable Learning Georgia initiative from its inception. In 2013, I joined the Affordable Learning Georgia (ALG) Implementation Team to help…

ALG Champion Spotlight: LaVerne McLaughlin, Albany State University
LaVerne McLaughlinMy journey with ALG began in 2014 at the beginning of the Affordable Learning Georgia era. At Albany State, we have come a very long way in support of ALG through the faculty and staff creations of textbook grants and…
How Do You Use AI Tools With OER?
Guide for Using Generative AI Tools in Open Educational Resources ALG has released a set of guidelines for USG instructional faculty and staff when creating new open educational resources (OER) or revising existing OER using generative…
Announcing Round 26: Affordable Materials Grants
Apply now for Affordable Learning Georgia’s new round of grants. With an ALG grant, you will have the opportunity to save students money on textbook costs and increase access to educational materials, making college more affordable. Affordable…

Congratulations to our Round 25 Grantees!
It’s been a busy year for Affordable Learning Georgia, including two rounds of grants with a large amount of applications. This time, we received 64 applications from 18 institutions! ALG selected 48 projects from 18 USG institutions,…

Congratulations to our Round 24 ALG Grantees
Congratulations to the recipients of our Round 24 Affordable Materials Grants! These projects start in fall 2023 and will end in either summer 2024 or fall 2024 depending on the project. Projects will save students a total of more than $720,000 per…

Call for Reviewers: ALG Grants, Rounds 24-25
Apply to be an Affordable Learning Georgia (ALG) grant proposal reviewer for the 2023-2024 academic year! Reviewers will have a one-year commitment during specified weeks of review with an expected 40 hours total for the year.…

ALG Welcomes New Program Manager
Nakita Afaha has recently joined the GALILEO team as program manager at Affordable Learning Georgia. Nakita is a native of Virginia, but she has called Georgia home for two decades. She earned her bachelor's degree in business…

Happy Open Education Week! Free Webinars from Georgia Southern
Open Education Week is an annual celebration of all things OER and Open. The global event provides an opportunity to learn and share information about open education. Georgia Southern University has planned a full week of open educational resources…

Congratulations to New ALG Grant Awardees
Congratulations to the recipients of our round 23 Affordable Materials Grants! These projects start in spring 2023 and will end in either fall 2023 or spring 2024 depending on the project. Projects will save students a total of more than $300,000 per…