Welcome to Creating and Modifying Open Educational Resources, a chapter-by-chapter informational tutorial for USG faculty and staff interested in creating or adapting open educational resources.
By the end of this tutorial, participants should have the knowledge necessary to:
- Identify and create adaptable OER
- Use multiple hosting and creation platforms to create new OER
- Apply an appropriate open license to a newly-adapted or newly-created resources
- Optimize the discoverability of newly-created OER
This is the second of a set of two informational tutorials. If you are new to OER and open licenses, be sure to go through the first guide, Finding Free and Open Resources, for more information on what OER and open licenses are. This tutorial does not cover the process of creating any resource, such as writing style, instructional design, and visual design, but rather discusses practices exclusive to creating an open educational resource.
This is a non-facilitated program. For in-person events and webinars, please view our Training and Development Events page.

Unless otherwise indicated, the content of this tutorial is under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Module 2: Adaptable OER